Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pallet Art

The nice thing about growing up on a farm is that you have random items lying around in the yard. While I was home, I ran into a pile of pallets. I had Banner help me pull all the nails out (they are full of nails). I then cut one of the lengths in half, and placed it on the back of all of them. My Dad helped me find a few screws that would hold it together, and not go through all of the wood. I put it all together a few months ago, and it has been sitting in the trunk of my car for several weeks. I couldn't decide on the prefect project. Then I woke up this morning, and had an idea of what I wanted. 
 My project started today, with me tightening the screw that were holding it all together. They had gotten a little loose while it had been in my trunk.
 I decided that I wanted to paint it freehand. I had decided on the saying a long time ago. The lyrics are from, My Shepard Will Supply My Need. The pallet now measures 39x21 inches. It is just big enough for a wall in my family room.

I like the results. Its a wonderful example of pallet art. 

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